Saturday, May 2, 2009


Patty Alexander, the mother of Lincoln Stars forward Eric Alexander, has created a Facebook group to help support Jackie Teague. She has a rare form of cancer and Patty has decided to gather some jerseys and auction them on ebay to help raise money. I'll let Patty explain it a little better. Above is a picture that shows some of the jerseys collected so far. I believe they are all signed except for the Alaska jersey and it looked like the Michigan State jersey was signed by head coach Rick Comley.

This group is started to bring awareness to a cause to raise money to help Jackie Teague battle CUP cancer.

Jackie is a 20 year old student at Michigan State University who is battling a rare form of cancer. She is not only a student, but she also works to pay for her own college while facing this battle. She is amazing! Jackie graduated from East Kentwood High School.

Jerseys4Jackie was started by challenging the CCHA Hockey Teams to donate an autographed jersey to auction off for Jackie's medical expenses. We will begin to do that soon on Ebay. 100% of the proceeds will benefit Jackie.

We'd like to challenge other teams and individuals to donate Jerseys for Jackie to keep the awareness going of CUP and to support Jackie's medical expenses.

We'd like to bring awareness to the type of rare cancer that Jackie has because we found that it impacts 30,000 people in a variety of forms. This will give people an opportunity to share information and understand it a bit more. Jackie has what is referred to as "CUP" and it basically means that the origin is unknown, which makes it difficult to treat. Although she is one of the youngest to battle CUP, she is not alone.

Jackie is currently in her third round of Chemo, a total of 6 months. Two months after that they will reevaluate her next option.

SUPPORT Jackie by spreading the word. We'll update as the Jerseys go on Ebay for Auction. If you have an Autographed Jersey you would like to donate, please contact us at

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